Wonderful spot. Paid $75 total for this $1200 CAD Suite, Valet, $150 CAD dinner, WiFi, heated outdoors pool, ice fishing on the lake and they had beer and wine in our room when we arrived.
Heading to Quebec for an evening for some sledding and R&R at a little cabin retreat. Spent 2 hours this morning clearing up 6 inches of snow and salting. Rest of the week looks pretty light.
“Gross margin for the quarter was 46.9 percent, compared to 45.9 percent in the year-ago quarter.” It seems apparent that Apple in my lifetime will hit 50% gross margin and I’m honestly not comfortableble with that. It was amazing when Apple had 30% profit margins but at this point, it’s greed.
I may be the only person subscribed to OpenAI’s RSS feed but they’re just spouting nonsense into the RSS feed and these posts are all 404 pages.
Fixing The Glitch
I never deleted my 2010 or earlier Instagram account. I had also been auto-posting to a motorcycle only Instagram account for the last 2 years. I don’t consider myself an Instagram user but I was enriching Mark Zuckerberg’s accounts. I also learned my Facebook account never got deleted, …
Talked to heather tonight and it looks like we’ll be going to Fasnacht Day in Helvetia WV. I went last year and had a great time.
Followip to this post yesterday micro.adamchandler.me/2025/01/2… I agree with this OSM User’s recommendation community.openstreetmap.org/t/gulf-of… This is how my former employer would handle it. @gruber
Time to study for the next certification.
Add one from today and I’m approved for one more certification (must pass by May) so I need to start studying for my PMI-PBA next. Glad to have earned my PMOCP (which becomes PMI-PMOCP) next week.
I passed another Project Management Certification this morning. This one was very time sensitive. PMO-CP which is a 40 question exam proctored based on a 10 hour classroom time and 20 white papers. The exam is being relaunched as 120 questions with more materials next week so I needed to pass it.
On the topic of Three 6 Mafia's Self-Induced Iodine Poisoning
The other day, I was listening to Sippin’ on Some Syrup by Three 6 Mafia and this lyric stood out: “We eat so many shrimp, I got iodine poisonin'” I had to do some digging because that seems like a LOT of shrimp. It turns out that 30 servings of Shrimp is going to give you enough iodine …
About Apple and Google Maps adopting "Gulf of America" and other renamed places in reality shouldn't really be as dramatic as people are making it out to be.
In GIS, there are Places (POIs) and there are names but there are also historical names and local names. A lot of whatever streets in tiny towns around the world have dozens of alt names. As long as some news paper or town or historian called it that at some point in history, mapping companies …
Our Xerox Printer at work uses what I can only describe as the MacOS Flurry screensaver and it’s very pleasing, so much that I don’t even want to initiate a copy command.
Did some more ice fishing today for trout.
usetapestry.com —- It looks like Tapestry will be shipping soon. So exciting!!!
Like this quote on Senator Schiff, “And I saw him last night on television. It looks like he got hit with a baseball bat or something. What happened to him? it looked like he got hit. It looked like he got beat around” Such a weird thing to say out loud.
I was thinking of starting a blog “trump-quotes” or something like that. I’ve been reading the White House RSS feed for the last 5 days and there are just really funny transcript quotes and my friends are tired of me sending them so maybe I can just quote them and post to a blog?
A lane splitting bill has been introduced to New Hampshire’s House of Representatives.
Arlo Cameras and Cold Weather
Arlo Cameras are our latest attempt at some home security. We have 2 of them attached to Arlo solar panels. I’m running the Arlo cameras at the most efficient mode to save battery. Below 32F, the solar panels won’t work nor will the cameras charge and it’s been below 32F for 3 …
Home remodel, I’m doing POE cameras. Every camera I’ve tried cannot deal with our winter up here and the solar panels don’t get enough light.
...about federal remote workers...i.e my wife.
As I wrote in my blog last month about our move back to New Hampshire and my wife moving back closer to her federal office, “There’s also a looming threat that while she is permanent full-time remote, one way the new administration will ‘trim the fat’ of federal employees is to mandate 40 …
Samsung’s Android XR headset looks really familiar.
Every day, I go to the King Arthur Baking Cafe and try all of the samples. Today was sourdough and cheddar butter, semi-sweet chocolate chip cookies, Gluten free cornbread and Focaccia. They know me now, they know I’m skimping on buying my own lunch. But honestly, I just love tasting new things.
Oh and my baby took her first few steps tonight.
I stayed up too late for someone who has a 1 year old who loves to get up at 4AM. Mistakes were made. Goodnight.