@gruber Same. I was an iTools customer and had a Mac.com address.

@mjtsai Don left before I joined but he had a legacy for sure. I'd love to see an oral history made up of people who were in this space from 1995-2015. It's offline now but Mike Dobson's blog has a lot of history! web.archive.org/web/20200...

@mjtsai Yes and that process had just stopped when I joined in 2010...there was still a "Librarian" who maintained this index of acquired data. I still think cartography is magical but anyone who grew up with Google Maps think it just happens.

@mjtsai and Google very early on started crowd-sourcing places data and launched Google Map Maker and reporting functionality. This also caused issues for Google like that time that Google HQ was marked "closed permanently"

@mjtsai and this could be semantics but it's really important that "display" or what the end user saw was almost entirely up to the customer. Apple Maps and Google Maps may have been identical in many ways but TomTom didn't really do display design for customers for years.

@mjtsai I guess that's entirely possible based on the timeline. GDT (USA Company) became a part of TA (Belgian Company) in April of 2004. Google maps launched Feb of 2005 but probably started with GDT data + Navteq and ESRI.

@mjtsai Google Maps was powered by TeleAtlas from launch to 2009 in USA and globally until round 2014. As a TomTom (owner of Tele Atlas from 2009) employee having people complain about Apple Maps while applauding Google Maps (both powered by TomTom) made me laugh at the time.

@mjtsai I'm disappointed that Google's reliance on other mapping providers has largely been left out of this story. Google Maps (the service) is worth celebrating but the role Tele Atlas (owned by TomTom) played can't be overlooked.

@lakelady I have to. They literally asked for it!

@lianalehua - www.youtube.com/watch

@ner3y I feel my mental health improving just thinking about it

@ner3y I should explore that option so would I need to get one of my old iPhones set up and logged in as my kid who is already on our iCloud family and therefore has an Apple Music account and then just plug that into CarPlay for road trips?

@mjtsai one option for AppleCare does reduce friction and works in Apple’s favor as more profitable so that all makes sense.

@mjtsai Not relevant but back then, it was a goal to have 60% attach rate for AppleCare, 30% for .Mac (MobileMe/iCloud) and 15% for ProCare.

@mjtsai I have no idea if Apple Retail staff is still measured on attach rates of AppleCare but I think this change will impact employee attach rates even if just only single-digit percentages. I buy AppleCare up front and sometimes go month to month at the end of term (I just bought another year …

@caseyliss Waiting for TS5…not for any particular needs just because of future proofing. My TS3 is still running well albeit with one USB-A port that has stopped working after 4 years.

@danielpunkass @manton - Last episode was totally ripping the bandaid off. The moment I heard it was over, there was like 7 minutes left in the recording and it was like "well ya'll should go for over an hour for this last one" Manton, any consideration of doing a Micro.blog product cast?

@chockenberry thanks!

@chockenberry i thought the MacOS version was coming way later. This is very exciting!

@lianalehua Glad you migrated over the sub-domain, too. Are you hosting with Micro.blog or a Mastodon instance?

@lianalehua !!!!!!!

@manton Where there are people, there will be passions but in life I've vowed to never make opinions personal and not lose my temper and attack someone over differences. I'm really sorry. Tomorrow is a new day.

@kolin Bright side is you're not wasting a lot of money on Birthday Chicken Tenders AND you might even be losing a few pounds. WIN WIN?

@manton - I’m pretty sure you know this but Micro.blog is really incredible. I need to blog more about it this week but I’m so thrilled with how polished this experience is…full featured, really incredible.

@lianalehua BTW, I can email you a few links I used to migrate everything over (Mastodon, Domain, Instagram)