@lianalehua I just checked and it looks like I don't.

@lianalehua oh snap!! WHOOP WHOOP.

@lianalehua oh and course you'll need to point your website's DNS to it to make the domain work but that was pretty easy.

@lianalehua The cool thing is, i"m just using one of their templates and MIcro.one let me import Instagram, FourSquare and Wordpress posts over. I think it supports Medium and Twitter posts, too. So I just consolidated everything over here with a few hours of work.

@lianalehua Howdy howdy!! I joined micro.one which is $1 a month..it has some limitations but you are federated to Mastodon, Blue Sky and others. You can migrate your mastodon account (followers, following and your posts) over to Micro.one.

@thekenyeung Yep. I was thrilled that there was a native app available but it’s really rough around the edges. It functionally works but needs a lot of work.

@manton I was actually on Matt‘s side until the most recent post he made about cutting people off from core just really petty behavior.

@ybrammer My favorite designed Apple computer I ever owned was the earliest MacBook Air with that drop down USB / VGA port. It was so under powered but really amazing design.

@ybrammer It's a bit fancier than just a magnet - www.amazon.com/dp/B0D4QD... but I love it. I can have sports playing while I work or have other stock / social tickers running and it stays charged via the smart connector on the back.

@manton Thank you sir and sorry to bug you so late in the day. I emailed about aliases as well but no rush. I'm signing off to make dinner :)

@manton !!!!!!! Beautiful.

@manton hi. Old topic but any update on importing Mastodon posts to micro.blog?