Things are definitely coming together. I need to start building out the Mastodon integrations.
I think this Friday is when I’ll launch my new site. I’m getting in the habit of writing every day in anticipation. It’s going to be really challenging to post something 4-5 times a week though!
Made it to Florida for a funeral. 8 hours on the road, 2 of which in a downpour through Georgia. Rough stuff but Rosie always gets me there.
Yeah, I’ve been trying but I cannot get my personal email on my Vision Pro. It’s trying to login to instead of the login with O365. Usually, it’s supposed to ask if this email is associated with home or work and I click work but Vision OS just defaults to Live and says the …
First toot from the Vision Pro. I am having issues enabling Office 365 email though. VisionOS Account add email gives (which is what I use on iPad / iPhone) but the Oauth experience is broken.
Pro tip, just run a USB-C cable (any will do so long as it carries 30 watts) from your MacBook Pro to the Apple Vision pro battery pack. The pack will stay charged all day and only if you need to get a drink or walk around do you unplug the USB-C and it's fully charged. The battery i really only …
My work computer doesn't allow iPhone as Continuity Camera so i had concerns that I was not going to be able to mirror my Mac to the Vision Pro but it works! Tuesday, I'll be in the office working as long as I can with the headset on.
@jtylko Awesome! It's definitely the future.
@jtylko you would ask about keynote :) Not yet. Productivity starts Monday. Tomorrow I’ll get files, 1Password, docs and Omni-apps setup for Monday work.
Here’s the view of my workspace
One hour of Vision Pro work in a cafe including the single strap fade mark after.
In a cafe with Vision Pro. So nervous.
Longplay is one of my favorite CarPlay apps. It’s now my favorite VisionOS app.
Nice first evening with VisionOS. Still planning to return it but it's pretty nice. Not sure even version 2 will get me to buy one. This is more of a consumption device than iPhone or the original iPad. Going to be hard to get real work done.
So glad I got Lasik last month.
Final logo & favicon:
Making website logos with diffusion bee today.
Today: Work until 11 then annual physical. Work until 5 then head to the mall. 5:30, Vision Pro pickup. Tonight, get put in the doghouse by my wife for spending our precious Friday night plugged into the matrix with a computer on my head. There is silver lining in that no rain this weekend so dog …
@lakelady After surgery and during recovery, feel free to let me know if you need any emotional support. It’s a really lonely 1-2 months.
@lakelady we talked about getting one of those recliners that lift up high to make it easy to get out of them..then right side surgery and we couldn’t’ find any left hand recliners in our budget so my wife obviously deployed it for me :P Seh’d help me out but if I held my arm close to my body in the …
@lakelady Oh yes, that’s what I thought about when I saw your public post. 2 months before my surgery, I worked out very hard and got my shoulders as strong as possible. Last doctor visit before surgery the surgeon was happy to see some muscle definition and said it will be a huge help in my …
@lakelady as in today I’m still not 100%. I can do almost everything but putting on a belt behind my back is still a small strain. I’m still doing rubber band stretches once a day.
@lakelady Everyone heals differently but you know your body better than anyone else so after 6 weeks, if you feel good sleeping in bed, only you can know if you’re ready. I was on ice for 12 weeks and I had physical therapy from mid-April (2 weeks from surgery) and my last session was December 2nd …